Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Don't Be A Cry Baby

Don’t Be A Cry Baby!

Babies cry as a form of communication because they are not capable of articulating their need, want, or desire. When a baby cries, an adult runs to the rescue and attempt to discover the reason for the cry. Perhaps the baby is hungry, sleepy, ill, or need a change of clothes. The adult will assume the responsibility for the wellbeing of the child and his/her satisfaction. The baby is incapable of taking care of him/herself.

As an adult it is alarming witnessing another adult putting on a show of whining, complaining, and temper tantrums. The sadness is the adult that is behaving as a baby, expect for other adults to run to their rescue and attempt to figure out what’s the matter and give and apply a solution. They complain about not having enough money, whine about being in a bad marriage, cry about being single, whimper about bills, and groan about life in general. This behavior from an adult is totally unacceptable. If you do not like the life that you have; change it! “When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways.” I Corinthians 13:11

As an adult not only are you capable of articulating your desire, but you are also capable of seeking and applying a solution. Whining, complaining, and whimpering will not produce anything of significance. If you are constantly whining, complaining, and whimpering to other adults, eventually it will become bothersome and intolerable. No one wants to be around a cry baby. Problems will arise but it’s how you handle the problem that will reveal your character. Please do not blame others for your position in life. Take accountability and responsibility for where you are and begin to take moderate measures to change your situation. Adult cry babies are truly undesirable. Again, no one wants to be around cry babies.

Latrina SAM Johnson is a Christian Empowerment Life Coach, Author, Professional Speaker, and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity Empowerment Consulting Firm based in Atlanta, GA. All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach or your Keynote Speaker, may contact her at

Latrina speaks at churches, meetings, conferences, conventions, and for various club organizations.

If you like this article, please feel free to leave a donation. Thank you!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6 Principles to Making Your Dreams Come True

6 Principles to Making Your Dreams Come True. You can make your dreams your reality! Listen to Latrina "SAM" Johnson's live **FREE** Empowerment Coaching Call from last night, which she has every Monday at 8pmEST/7pmCST/5pm PST. Dial 218)862-7200 code 763944! Make sure to call in!

Latrina is a Christian Empowerment Life Coach, Author, Professional Speaker, and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity Empowerment Consulting Firm based in Atlanta, GA. All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach or your Keynote Speaker you may contact her at

Latrina speaks at churches, meetings, conferences, conventions, and for various club organizations.

6 Principles to Making Your Dreams Come True. Listen Now!

Speaking Above Mediocrity © 2010

Friday, June 18, 2010

I love My Love because it is His Will

I love My Love because it is His Will

A sudden storm
A cool breeze
A baby being born
Because it is His will

A rainbow in the sky
The 7 seas
My love for him comes easily
It is His will

I love My Love
I love my love like water loves the rain
Like a poet loves words and
A preacher loves the gospel
I love him because it is His Will

I love him like a song love lyrics
Like the moon loves darkness
I love him like silk rubbing against my skin
I love him because…
It is His Will

I love My Love
I love him…
Without hesitation
My love for my love is so sweet

I love you My Love
Come to me
Like the ink on this paper
I want to be one with you….make poetry with you
Oh love…love me too

Love me
Without hesitation
Make your love for me so sweet

Come love…Let’s make love
Let’s make love jealous of our love
Let our love be so tempting that love wants to re-invent itself
To love like our love

I love you My Love
And when the ink on this paper cease
My love for you continues on
I love you My Love
Because it is His Will

Poem: I love My Love because it is His Will
by: Latrina SAM Johnson
Latrina SAM Johnson © 2010 Speaking Above Mediocrity

Thank you for your donation!

Can’t Get Enough of Your Love

Can’t Get Enough of Your Love

The first time you said, “I love you”
Time stood still
‘Til I could inhale your words
Slowly penetrating the walls to my soul
I grasped for air as I took your words in
Trembling from the intensity of your stare
Your eyes would not leave me
I did not want your eyes to leave me
I wanted your words to go deep inside my soul
I did not want the moment to end
The first time you said, “I love you”
I grabbed your hand
I had to touch you
I had to know this was real
There’s only one first time
I want this moment to last a lifetime
I can’t get enough of your love….

Poem: Can't Get Enough of Your Love
by: Latrina SAM Johnson
Latrina SAM Johnson © 2010 Speaking Above Mediocrity

Thank You for your donation!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Single and NOT Satisfied

I would like to share with you a true story. I attended my first “single’s conference” about eight years ago. I was really excited! I’d recently become acquainted with one of Atlanta’s “mega churches”. There was so much hype about this single’s conference and ALL singles were encouraged to attend. The theme of the conference was, “Single and Satisfied” hahahaha!!!

The first day of the conference, I walked into the cathedral that sits over 10,000 people and about 1/4th of the seats were occupied. All singles strutted in wearing their best outfits. The air was filled with a buzz of excitement. We are single and satisfied! At least this is what they wanted us to believe. Hmmmm

I am enthralled in the moment and highly anticipate what is to come. I’ve been hearing about this conference for weeks and now this moment has arrived. The first to speak is the pastor of this 25,000 plus congregation, whom happens to be married for nearly 20yrs, however he proclaimed all in attendance should be satisfied with being single…hmmm.

I have to admit I was having an internal conflict; mind vs. spirit. My mind was saying, “Single and Satisfied”, but my spirit was saying, “Yeah, I don’t agree with that.”

Well, I’m here now and the hype is in the air. Every time a speaker would proclaim, “Single and Satisfied!!!!” the attendees would stand to their feet with shouts and applauds, but I would just sit there somewhat bewildered. Then I began to question myself, “Why are we here?” The fact of the matter still holds that I was truly single, but not sure that I was satisfied.

Oh this did it for me! There was a panel of very successful, beautiful, and of course single women. I’m talking attorneys, authors, governmental officials, pastors, models these women were on top of their game, at least when it came to their careers. Each time one of these very successful women spoke of how they were satisfied with their house, car, career, and raising children alone; it made me feel sad. It made me feel hopeless. It confirmed my feelings that I am Single and NOT Satisfied.

I felt sad for these women because God never intended for woman to walk alone. And because they have given up on hope of having a spouse they want others to buy into their fallacy of being single and satisfied. I am an executive professional single woman and understand how singleness can befall upon one. I continue to matriculate in the course of my singleness, but I am not satisfied.

I(the woman) was created to be a helpmeet/helpmate>>wife. Innately God has given me(the woman) a nurturing spirit and the canon of influence to help my husband to rule and subdue his dominion. I came under the sub junction of the head(Adam>>the husband). I was not originally designed to be the head of my household or to carry both roles of mother and father. I am Single and NOT Satisfied.

Speaking Above Mediocrity © 2010

Latrina is a Christian Empowerment Life Coach, Author, Professional Speaker, and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity Empowerment Consulting Firm based in Atlanta, GA. All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach or your Keynote Speaker you may contact her at

Latrina speaks at churches, meetings, conferences, conventions, and for various club organizations.

Thank You for your donation!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Secerts of Self-Made Millionaires

Secerts of Self-Mde Millionaires. You can become a self-made millionaire too! Listen to Latrina "SAM" Johnson's live **FREE** Empowerment Coaching Call from last night, which she has every Monday at 8pmEST/7pmCST/5pm PST. Dial 218)862-7200 code 763944! Make sure to call in!

Latrina is a Christian Empowerment Life Coach, Author, Professional Speaker, and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity Empowerment Consulting Firm based in Atlanta, GA. All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach or your Keynote Speaker you may contact her at

Latrina speaks at churches, meetings, conferences, conventions, and for various club organizations.

Secerts of Self-Made Millionaires. Listen Now!

Join many others on June 22nd for a powerful tele-seminar "Make Money!" Copy and paste the link below into your url for details:

Please help to continue to empower others. Each one teach one, the universal changing of lives! Thank you for your donation!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What To Do When Your Dream Is Delayed?

What to do when your destiny is delayed? What to do when God has made you a promise, but it seems as if your promise will not come to pass? Listen to Latrina "SAM" Johnson's live **FREE** Empowerment Coaching Call from last night, which she has every Monday at 8pmEST/7pmCST/5pm PST. Dial 218)862-7200 code 763944! Make sure to call in!

Latrina is a Christian Empowerment Life Coach, Author, Professional Speaker, and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity Empowerment Consulting Firm based in Atlanta, GA. All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach or your Keynote Speaker you may contact her at

Latrina speaks at churches, meetings, conferences, conventions, and for various club organizations.

What To Do When Your Dream Is Delayed? Listen now!

Please help to continue to empower others. Each one teach one, the universal changing of lives! Thank you for your donation!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

5 Strategies to Eradicate Any Resemblances of Mediocrity™

It’s time to Eradicate any resemblances of mediocrity! Listen to my live **FREE** Empowerment Coaching Call from last night, which I have every Monday at 8pmEST/7pmCST/5pm PST. Dial 218)862-7200 code 763944! Make sure to call in!

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Latrina is a Christian Empowerment Life Coach, Author, Professional Speaker, and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity Empowerment Consulting Firm based in Atlanta, GA. All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact her at

Please donate so Latrina can continue to impart greatness in other people lives. Thank You for your donation!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

It’s time to break the cycle of failure, lack, depression, and mediocrity!

It’s time to unleash your breakthrough! Listen to my live **FREE** Empowerment Coaching Call from last night, which I have every Monday at 8pmEST/7pmCST/5pm PST. Dial 218)862-7200 code 763944! Make sure to call in!

Latrina "SAM" Johnson,CEO
Latrina is a Christian Empowerment Life Coach, Author, Professional Speaker and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity Empowerment Consulting Firm
All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact her at,360-283-9046 or Skype call her @ Speakingabovemediocrity(She has international clients all around the world!)

Please donate so Latrina can continue to impart greatness in other people lives and coach women otherwise could not offered her services! Thank You!

Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

4 Traits Every Powerful Woman Must Have

Latrina “SAM” Johnson owner of Speaking Above Mediocrity spell out the 4 Traits That Every Powerful Woman Must Have. This 30min live recorded podcast has already transformed many women lives.

4 Traits every Powerful Woman Must Have: knowing one's PURPOSE, understanding one's POSTURE, ability to PRAY fervently, and wearing the garment of PRAISE. Purchase this audio empowerment coaching cd for only $4.98. It is truly powerful and mind altering. Please share with your family friends. I am a Christian Empowerment Coach, changing lives across the world, starting with yours!


I’ve already listened to this 3 times and each time I get something new. –Heather from L.A.

WOW!!!! Thank you for reminding me of how powerful I am Latrina SAM Johnson!!!! Erica

Noting but the truth. Kristi -Atlanta

Instant Download! Only $4.98
4 Traits Every Powerful Woman Must Have

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Latrina Is a Dynamic Professional Keynote Speaker

Latrina Is a Dynamic Professional Keynote Speaker!

Please donate so I can continue to impart greatness in other people lives! Thank You!

All interested in having me as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact me at 360-283-9046 or Skype call me @ Speakingabovemediocrity(I have international clients all around the world!)

2 Minute Coaching Tip

How To Overcome any Obstacle and Become Successful

Please donate so I can continue to impart greatness in other people lives! Thank You!

All interested in having me as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact me at 360-283-9046 or Skype call me @ Speakingabovemediocrity(I have international clients all around the world!)
It's time to annihilate, uproot, and once and for all, destroy verbal assassination(s) spoken against your purpose and vision.

Please donate so I can continue to impart greatness in other people lives! Thank You!

All interested in having me as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact me at 360-283-9046 or Skype call me @ Speakingabovemediocrity(I have international clients all around the world!)
"Nobody BUT Jesus" podcast was inspired this morning and I thought I would share it with my friends. It will bring hope and transformation! What do you do when you find yourself facing an extreme difficult situation? The doctor tells you there is no cure, you’ve lost all hope, peace of mind has escaped you, spouse has... left you, you’re facing homelessness…what shall you do?

Please donate so I can continue to impart greatness in other people lives! Thank You!

All interested in having me as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact me at 360-283-9046 or Skype call me @ Speakingabovemediocrity(I have international clients all around the world!)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Love The Skin You're In

According to one report more than 50% of American women are unhappy with their bodies and also an alarming amount of women globally. This is really heartbreaking because one’s perception of one’s beauty has a direct affect on their relationship with other women; family members, spouse or “love interest” and can lead to one creating a hostile work environment and overall manifesting unhealthy emotional surroundings.

It is true that most women have insecurities and gage their beauty on the narrowly defined beauty from the outpouring of major media outlets. However, one does not have to live with insecurities or narrowly defined beauty based on the opinions of a few. You were crafted with the stroke of a heavenly brush laced with radiance. Every dimple, freckle, mole on your body makes you unique.

What’s really sad is that women that are not satisfied with their physical appearance will ridicule other women. This often leads to a breach or strain on the friendship because no- one likes to be verbally attacked. Those women that are in love with themselves and has grown to accept and appreciate their uniqueness will only speak beautiful words of power, inspiration, and love towards their fellow woman. If you ever want to witness an insecure woman listen to the words she say about another woman.

As the CEO of Speaking Above Mediocrity and a Christian Empowerment Coach I provide solutions to eradicate any resemblances of mediocrity™. Living in a state of low self-esteem, poor body image, and verbal assassination against other women is a mediocre mindset. I would like to provide you with tools to begin to love the skin you are in:

1. Define beauty as an array of sizes, hues, shades, and heights. It doesn’t matter if you have baby blue eyes or hazelnut brown eyes. Beauty can be realized in a woman that is a size 2 or size 16.

2. Stop talking negatively about you! Every time you feel the urge to criticize something about your physical appearance stop and replace those words with something positive. Appreciate your uniqueness! Do not desire to be a carbon copy of someone else.

3. Believe that you are beautiful! People are attracted to and naturally drawn to those believing they are beautiful. Believing you are beautiful is a state of mind. You, believing that you are beautiful will radiate confidence.

4.Stand in front of a full length mirror! Fall in love with the image that you see. Start with the strands of your hair and work your way down to the polish on your toes and compliment every inch of your body. God made you unique! You are beautiful.

5. Make your body feel loved. Pamper your body with lavender oil bubble baths. Exercise and stay physically fit. Eat foods to energize and maintain your health.

When you are in love with the skin that you are in, you will not criticize your fellow woman. Get rid of the insecurities and live beautifully!!!

By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Latrina “SAM” Johnson is the owner and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity empowerment consulting firm in Atlanta, GA. She is also an author, Christian Empowerment Coach/Mentor, and Life Transforming Professional Speaker.

Join her every Sunday at 9:00am EST on Digitalfaith.TV > for an exciting, informative, and relevant broadcast.

Please make a donation to contribute to the success and the ongoing live broadcast of Spiritual Connections with Speaking Above Mediocrity. Thank you for your support.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Steps to Maintain and Create Happiness in Your Life

Steps to Maintain and Create Happiness in Your Life

According to Wikipedia, “Happiness is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy.”

There are many elements and variations to add to or subtract from one’s happiness. This article is not to persuade you that happiness will be evident in your life 100% of the time, with full awareness that every person will experience grief or sadness at some point in their life. However, this article is to assist you in maintaining or creating happiness in your life at least 95% of the time!

I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and as a student it was required that I kept abreast of current and political affairs. The medium to achieve the previous was to read and watch the local and global news. After matriculating as a collegiate student I continued to watch and read the happenings around the world. Unfortunately, the news was saturated with murder, stealing, hypocrisy, injustice and other horrific acts. This would literally make me sad, so one day I decided to stop watching and reading the news! There may be some things that you are doing that are depleting your happiness too.

Yes, you absolutely can create and maintain happiness in your life and here are some helpful tips:

1. Let the love out. It feels great to be a vessel in which love flows through and to you. When you give love freely, it comes back to you magnified! Tell someone you love them. Allow someone to love you. Be an agent of love.

2. Forgive. When you carry unforgiveness, you become an incubator for negative energy. Often the person that you’re refusing to forgive has moved on with their life. You will become stuck in a moment in time that no longer exists. When you choose to forgive, you will free yourself from reliving the negative experience. Let it go!

3. Laugh out loud! Place a huge smile on your face and let out the most ridiculous laugh you can possibly imagine. It feels great to laugh! “Laughter is better than medicine for the soul.”

4. Appreciate the moment. Oftentimes one can not be happy because they are either worried about what is to come or consumed with the past. You must learn to enjoy this very moment. You can not undo the past and deal with tomorrow when tomorrow comes, but for now appreciate this moment.

5. Say no. Trying to be a people pleaser is a sure way to deplete your happiness. Do you say yes, when you really want to say no? The job will get done without you. You must place boundaries on what it is that you’re willing to do or how you choose to allocate your time. Sometimes you just need “me time”. There is happiness in saying no.

6. Spend time with your friends. Humans are naturally inclined to want to be in a social environment. We need to connect with one another. Being connected with other humans makes life worth living. Make time for friendships.

7. Count Your Blessings. I find that when one has an attitude of gratitude it raises their level of happiness. “I heard a man complained that he hated having to walk to work, then he came a cross a man who didn’t have any feet.” Thank God for your blessings.

8. Spend intimate time with God. Having a relationship with your Creator is comforting, refreshing, needed and necessary to truly have a life with happiness.

By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Latrina Johnson is the owner and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity empowerment consulting firm in Atlanta, GA. She is also an author, Mentor/Empowerment Coach, and Life Transforming Professional Speaker. She is proud to announce that she has a 100% success rate with her mentoring/coaching clients completing her mentoring/coaching program

Latrina is power packed with sizzling life antidotes leaving her audiences begging for more of her informative, enjoyable, and exciting workshops, seminars, and keynote speeches. She tailor-makes each speech, guaranteeing to capture the attention and enthusiasm of your audience. Many of her group mentoring clients are from her speaking engagements Latrina loves an audience!

I hope you enjoyed this article and remember to always speak above mediocrity.

Please donate so I can continue to impart greatness in other people lives! Thank You!

All interested in having me as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact me at 360-283-9046 or Skype call me @ Speakingabovemediocrity(I have international clients all around the world!)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mediocrity Is Not Acceptable…Period!

Mediocrity is not acceptable…period!

What has occurred in your life to make you believe that average is good enough? How did you become common? Was it a teacher that spoke against your intelligence, a parent that didn’t shower you with love, a “job” that let you go, the spreading of your hips, a spouse that left you, a letter of rejection, a friend that was not a good care provider of your trust or did you of freewill decide to settle? Today that stops! You are taking your power back…now! You can not come in the presence of Latrina SAM Johnson and continue to live in mediocrity!

You were created to be great and I am determined to get that greatness out of you. The first thing we’re going to do is a mental overhaul of low-level thinking and degradation. If you are living a life of mediocrity your mind is a mental waste. I hope these words are like a tsunami crushing against your psyche causing it to shatter into a billion pieces, and now let the reconstructing begin.

You are to demonstrate excellence in all of your actions. Do not begin a business, friendship, works, or relationship without an attitude of excellence. Yes, excellence is the extreme opposite of mediocrity. To be mediocre is to be substandard in your thinking/ actions, ordinary, lazy, complacent, an outright refusal to utilize the gifts and talents that God has given to you. Many ordinary people want more out of life, but they refuse to put in the work, time, energy and resources that extraordinary people do to live an excellent life. Choosing to remain ordinary will keep you from the blessings and all that God wants you to become.

Take the necessary measures to go after excellence and mediocrity will flee. Excellence and mediocrity can not coexist.

Speaking Above Mediocrity’s mission is to eradicate any resemblances of mediocrity™

Steps to Eradicate Mediocrity

1. Eradicate all negative people- An apple tree only produces apple. Negative people only produce negativity.

2. Eradicate low-level thinking- You can only become as great as your greatest thought.

3. Eradicate pessimistic speaking- There is power in words. You will either speak life or speak death. Choose to speak life!

4. Eradicate a bad attitude- It’s true, “Your attitude will determine your altitude in life.”

5. Eradicate bad habits- Bad habits are like a hamster running for hours on a wheel; you are going nowhere.

6. Eradicate idleness – Get busy fulfilling your purpose.

7. Eradicate Any Resemblances of Mediocrity™!!!!!

By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Latrina SAM Johnson is the owner and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity Empowerment Consulting Firm in Atlanta, GA. She is also an author, Mentor/Life Coach, and Life Transforming Professional Speaker. She is proud to announce that she has a 100% success rate with her coaching clients completing her coaching protrams.
All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact her at for your FREE phone consultation

Latrina is power packed with sizzling life antidotes leaving her audiences begging for more of her informative, enjoyable, and exciting workshops, seminars, and keynote speeches. She tailor-makes each speech, guaranteeing to capture the attention and enthusiasm of your audience.

Thank You for your donation!

I hope you enjoyed this article and remember to always speak above mediocrity.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Speaking Above Mediocrity Mentoring Program

Latrina SAM Johnson is the founder and owner of Speaking Above Mediocrity. She is a Life Transforming Professional Speaker, Life Guidance Mentor and author.

To book Latrina to speak at your next event dial 360-283-9046 or to find out how Latrina can become your personal Life Coach/Mentor check out the sites below:

Friday, April 16, 2010

Just Do It

Latrina SAM Johnson is the founder and owner of Speaking Above Mediocrity. She is a Life Transforming Professional Speaker, Life Guidance Mentor and author.

To book Latrina to speak at your next event dial 360-283-9046



I have a yes so deep down in my spirit that every time any goodness is hinted towards me, I answer with a “yes”. It puts me in the mind of biblical days according to John 5, there was a great multitude of impotent people (lacking power or ability); blind, withered, halt waiting for the moving water.

4For an angel went down at a certain season into the pool, and troubled the water: whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease (Dis=separation/Ease=freedom from difficulty or hardship. Disease=condition that causes pain or distress.) he had.

Do you know your disease could be having a poverty mindset, the inability to make intimate connections, unforgiveness, depression and etc.? Diseases have the ability to manifest itself more than just through your physical body. Your disease may be your powerlessness to let go of a past relationship, stuck at a job, generational cycles of financial restraint, abuse, loneliness, guilt of past mistakes and many others. How long have you’ve been in your state of disease?

5One who was there had been diseased for thirty-eight years. 6When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, "Do you want to get well?"

Do you want your distress to go away? YES! My spirit is saying YES! Sometimes we’ve been in a certain state of disease for so long; we begin to think this is our final destination. We begin to operate and make decisions based on our past experience, but there will come a time when God will ask you, “Do you want to be healed of your infirmities?” It will seem too simple to just say yes, and instantly your change has come. God is asking the question(s) and I am yelling from the roof top “YES!” What is your answer today?

7"Sir," the diseased replied, "I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me."

8Then Jesus said to him, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk."

9At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.

Isn’t it amazing even when we fail to answer with a yes, God still makes provision for us to rid of our disease(s). YES! Will you say yes with me? It really can be that simply. Your change has come, embrace it!

Article: YES!
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Latrina "SAM" Johnson is an International Life Transforming Professional Speaker. Contact her to book her for your next event.

Please donate so I can continue to impart greatness in other people lives! Thank You!

All interested in having me as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact me at 360-283-9046 or Skype call me @ Speakingabovemediocrity(I have international clients all around the world!)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Mentoring Testimonial

Hello my name is Brandy Wright and I just want to take a few minutes to speak on Latrina Johnson and Speaking Above Mediocrity. I just want to say, I have been tremendously blessed by the mentorship Latrina offers through Speaking Above Mediocrity. I was going through a lot of hard times in my life, difficulities and a lot of trials. Latrina has been very instrumental in bringing awareness to where I was and to help me to get to where I need to be. I know there were things I was suppose to be great at and things that I wanted to achieve in my life and through her help she has been such a blessing and helped me to identify the negative things in my life and through her mentorship. I’ve been able to go forward and get my life back on track and begin to accomplish the things I want for my life. She is an awesome woman; an awesome woman of God and if you need any assistance or help I believe her services will not leave you disappointed.

For more information about Speaking Above Mediocrity Mentoring Progam go to

Speaking Above Mediocrity,LLC
Latrina SAM Johnson, CEO
Life Guidance Mentor, Professional Speaker and Author

Please donate so I can continue to impart greatness in other people lives! Thank You!

All interested in having me as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact me at 360-283-9046 or Skype call me @ Speakingabovemediocrity(I have international clients all around the world!)

Monday, April 12, 2010



In heaven we wed
On earth our soul seeks to reunite
The flames of our love transcends through the passage of time
You are my soulmate
There are many that resemble you
But none are you
My heart longeth only for you
I call out to you


I look into the eyes of him
And I know he is not you
So I pray the love that was established in heaven
Is found here on earth
My love where are you


In anguish I seek you
In love I need you
Come hither my love
Do not keep away from me


Can you hear me my love
I am calling out to you
Find me
This is my desperate plea


I love you
I loved you in heaven
I love you on earth
My Love; my love seeketh you
Let the vibration of this sound wave make it to your ears this day
May your nights be restless with dreams of me
Toss and turn ‘til you are near me
Let no other woman quench your thirst for true love
Remember the wedding in heaven
And let it be manifested here on earth
My Love do you hear me
Do you hear me love


Can you feel the passion behind these words
Inhale them as if it is the air you breathe
Hold me as you did in heaven
Love me forever
Find me quickly
My Love

Poem: Echo
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2009

Always Speaking Above Mediocrity,

Latrina Johnson

Saturday, April 10, 2010

16 Ways to Fall In Love With You All Over Again!

16 Ways to Fall In Love With You All Over Again!

I mentor so many that do not love themselves. You are the only you. There will never be a duplicate. You have to know how special and rare you are. Your world will begin to look so much different once you fall in love with you. When did you fall out of love with you? Well, now it’s time to fall back in love with you. So forgive yourself of all past mistakes and see it as a time to reflect. Life is waiting on you to live.

1. Fall in love with you! Look at yourself in the mirror and smile at how wonderful and beautiful God has designed you. You are the reflection of a stroke by a divine artist. God has made you with such intricate detail. Every freckle, dimple, curve, hue should make you fall in love with you.

2. Pamper yourself! You work hard! You should take the time to treat yourself. It’s ok to indulge every now and then. You deserve it. Go ahead and buy that shirt, take that trip, get a massage, or go to the park. Appreciate your hard work and award yourself.

3. Eliminate all negative people from your life! Negative relationships or people can be very toxic. Negative people will deplete the life out of you. They will become your stumbling blocks to happiness and dreams being realized. Let them go! NOW!

4. Stop wasting time! Value time. Time is one of the most precious commodities God has given to us and how you choose to spend that time is a direct reflection of how you view your worth. Are you being productive with your time? What are you producing?

5. Live a purpose filled life! When you live life on purpose you find fulfillment. You are passionate about your existence. How are you impacting the lives around you? How are you making a difference?

6. Say I love you! There’s freedom in releasing those words from your lips. Who do you need to tell that you love them? Maybe you need to look at the mirror and tell yourself that you love you. Perhaps it’s a spouse, sibling, friend, co-worker or even a stranger. I LOVE YOU.

7. Be nice! It takes a lot of negative energy to be mean, selfish, hateful or intolerable. You are doing more harm to yourself than the person that is receiving your negativity. Open the door for someone. Say thank you or please. Return a phone call. Just be nice.

8. Give! Give a gift and expect absolutely nothing in return. It doesn’t have to be an extravagant gift, just a kind gesture. It is better to give than to receive.

9. Acknowledge your spiritual being! Connect to your heavenly father. Cultivate your relationship with Him. Find peace in His sovereignty.

10. Count your blessings! Look around you. Take an evaluation of your life and see how God has kept you. Even if you’re not where you want to be, acknowledge how God has kept you in spite of you. Knowing you can have what you desire in due time.

11. Dream! Every tangible thing that you see is the result of someone dreaming; computers, cell phones, cars, airplanes, clothes, jewelry, television, chairs-everything was someone’s dream. Cultivate your dream. Make your dream your daily reality. You can do it.

12. Believe in you! No-one can believe in you until you do. Look in the mirror and proclaim your greatness. Write it on the mirror that you are great! I know it sounds silly, but I’ve done it.

13. Laugh! Go ahead and smile. Now belt out the hugest and longest laugh ever. Laughter is better than any antidote. Laughter is good for the soul. Enjoy life.

14. Rest! God gives us sleep for a reason. Enough said.

15. Respect yourself! Respect yourself in everything that you do and demand others to respect you as well. I must say respect generally comes to those who already exemplify that trait.

16. Be authentic! Be the best you can be. Don’t allow people to change you. Be you.

Please donate so I can continue to impart greatness in other people lives! Thank You!

All interested in having me as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact me at 360-283-9046 or Skype call me @ Speakingabovemediocrity(I have international clients all around the world!)

Copyright 2009© Latrina L. Johnson, CEO
Speaking Above Mediocrity -SAM, author of Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind, and Life Transforming Professional Empowerment Speaker

Friday, April 9, 2010

Never Stop Dreaming

Never Stop Dreaming

Don’t give up on the dream; the dream is for an appointed time. There is great complexity being a dreamer/visionary. The mystery of a visionary is God allowing the human to forecast and foretell future events. In the days of Noah, God instructed him to build an ark because He was going to cause a great flood. Noah began move(ments) to complete the instructions of God. People watching Noah, thought he was insane. They did not find him to be practical. (Genesis 7:1-17) As one begin to seize measures to construct their dream(s) into reality, one will encounter great and what appears to be insurmountable obstacles. The dreamer often has to stand alone because others can not take hold of the vision. However, the vision will be so imbedded in one’s spirit that it will continue to ignite movement towards one’s destiny. When God gives you a vision at some point you will tell others. Joseph had a dream and he shared it with the ones he loved and they placed him in a pit. (Genesis 37) Please, don’t be taken aback when sharing your dream(s), that some will stop liking you. When God gives you a vision, it goes against most humans’ comprehension. It doesn’t make sense to the human mind. This causes the one given the vision to step completely out on faith. In the instance of Noah, it had not rained in years and it took him many years to complete his assignment of building the ark. Yes, it takes time to manifest a dream and at times causes you to lose the ones you love.

This brings me to the recollection of Walt Disney’s vision. Disney Land and Disney world with all its colorful and magical characters started as a vision. Walt drove to a vacant land in Florida that was consumed with forest and trees as far as the eye could see. He took along a friend and shared his vision. Walt Disney was so excited and enthused about his dream. He described to his friend a land filled with games, carousels, and a huge park that family and friends would travel to enjoy. Walt wanted his friend to partner with him to make his vision a reality. His friend however thought Walt Disney was crazy. He did not want any part of Walt Disney’s “delusional fantasy”. Many have and will continue to enjoy the manifestation of Walt Disney’s dream. I’m so glad he did not give up, because his friend could not “see” his vision.

It is very important for the dreamer to understand, God has blessed you with an acute ability to “see” into the future, while most can only see in the now. Oh, but what a marvelous thing when the materialization of a dreamer comes to pass. We enjoy the fruit of their labor example: electricity, airplanes, telephones, computers, paper, eye glasses and the list goes on and on. But at some point the person behind each of those dreams had nay-sayers and unbelievers.

When the dreamer comes under attack it is indeed the dream that the enemy seeks to assassinate. The dreamer has the ability to affect a multitude of people and if the enemy can eliminate the dreamer then he has accomplished his goal to keep a people from greatness. The enemy will attack three main areas of a dreamer’s life to distract him/her from the course at hand: health, finances, and relationships. The enemy is strategic in his attack. He knows that the human is most concerned about those three areas and if he can get the dreamer to take his focus off of the dream and focus on any of those three, it will either lend way to delay or ultimate elimination. The dreamer has to fight! The dreamer has to remain focused. If you have been given a dream/vision from our Heavenly Father, then He will give you the strength and agility to survive and overcome any attack. This is not to say that the attack(s) will not come, but you will be equipped to handle them. When a dreamer fights, he/she is not only fighting for the dream, but for all those God has assigned to that dream. A dream is always to the fulfillment of others to experience.

Dreamers, dream big and in color! The vision is for an appointed time! Keep working it, ‘til it is manifested!

Excerpt: Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind
Chapter 4: Never Stop Dreaming
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2009

Always Speak Above Mediocrity,

Latrina Johnson

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Don't Waste My Time!

Don’t waste my time!

What does every human have in common? Death! The words that will follow will be very poignant and straight to the point. I’m here on earth for a limited time and don’t know the hour in which my life will expire, so don’t waste my time. I do not have moments for meaningless and pointless relationships. My life is not casual in the least aspect. Everything that I do serve a purpose from the food I eat, to the people I meet and the conversations I indulge. No time to talk about the latest gossip; who’s wearing what, the weight gain of her…PETTY! Please don’t pick up the phone to call or text me with the latest gossip. But if you want to talk; let’s talk about kingdom authority, empowering others, moving and shaking nations into the providence of God. I don’t have time to waste! Really, I am on assignment. My every second is precious to me even when sleep; I dream of productivity; producing magnitudes of possibilities for others to succeed. I can’t be bothered with foolishness.

My time comes with a price and I will determine if you’re worth it. Harsh, but true. I will not let a person of negativity, evilness, pettiness, vile conversation, mediocrity, sub-standard thinking to invade my personal inner-circle of upward mobility, success/purpose driven, kingdom connection, divine ordinance to interrupt my progress. Time tells me, I can’t afford to go backwards or become stagnated. Time works on the behalf of no one. Tick tock constantly, you’re one minute closer to death. So with every moment that I take and every breath that I breathe I’m going to be the best possible me that I can be.

You, that’s reading this, I charge you the same. Make no deals with time, because time is a deal breaker. The elderly will tell you that time have a way of escaping you. Be person of purpose at all times.

Always Speaking Above Mediocrity,

Latrina "SAM" Johnson
Article: Don’t Waste My Time!
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2009

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Being Relentless is An Essential Ingredient to Success

I can’t stop! I won’t stop! I am determined to live out the reason for my existence! I can not be broken. I will not retreat! I will stand boldly in the face of my enemy. I AM RELENTLESS!

Every word spoken, every action taken, creates your present, and carve out the path to your future.

Your illness, homelessness, joblessness, loneliness, underemployment is not the problem. Your problem is not being able to move beyond your obstacles. Instead of fighting piously for what rightly belongs to you(victory), you throw in the towel. You my dear are a quitter. And quitters never win!

When you are relentless in your efforts of achieving greater accomplishments; you have to be willing to allow others to see you fail. Many don’t like this because their ego won’t allow them to be seen as failing when in essence you are on the road to success. Every successful person encounters failure. The failure is a tool to be used to draw closer to the outcome in which one desires.

Stop making excuses for being underachieved. God has given you gifts and talents to make you succeed. Granted, your enemy comes to kill, steal, and destroy every facet of your being, however you are more powerful than any force that seeks to demolish you.

Relentless and determination are first cousins. You have to determine to be relentless no matter the obstacle. The "successful" do not succeed because they are smarter, more talented, more resourceful or capable, but they do not quit when their back is against the wall. They experience great and devastating hardship, but they get back up and keep moving towards success!

God and I want to see you succeed, but you must continue to move forward in the face of your greatest challenge. You must be able to endure your trials. Be relentless.

And remember do not look to the left nor to the right of others doings, for this is a cause for great distraction. Keep your eyes on the prize!

Always Speaking Above ,Mediocrity,

Latrina "SAM" Johnson

Article: Being Relentless is An Essential Ingredient to Success
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Monday, March 29, 2010

Be Willing To Die Trying...

Be Willing to Die Trying….

The possibility of impossibility being purged is the unparalleled notion of those who dare to reach beyond preconceived limits. Oftentimes it is not that it is impossible, it’s that the universe has not found one bold enough to step beyond the invisible measure that man has set in place. Man place limits because at times the human mind can not perceive the truth of lack of restrictions set before them to achieve great surmounts of victory that has yet to be met.


One limits self with counterproductive mindsets. “As a man thinketh so is he…” You create your future by the thoughts you have today. If you believe you can not overcome or accomplish; you will not! Benjamin Franklin is one who believed the possibility of impossibility of electricity could be purged to greater heights. There were many that said he was crazy and a lunatic. He ignored his naysayers and the limits that man had set in place. Perhaps a family member, friend, or teacher has told you that you and your dreams are impossible. They said it can not be accomplished. I challenge you today to do as Benjamin Franklin; move towards your idea despite opposition. Ideas are gifts from God revealing more of His greatness through humans that can be accomplished. Benjamin Franklin risked failing in the eyes of his naysayers knowing that eventually he would prove that his thought of electricity would manifest although man had yet to witness it in the manner in which he sought to reveal.

Benjamin was willing to risk his life trying to get his dream out of him. He literally stood in the midst of a violent storm holding a kite waiting for lightning to strike it. What risks are you willing to take to ensure your dreams and goals come true? Success and victory doesn’t happen by chance. You have to intentionally place in motion actions to divulge the greatness that lies within you. The world benefits from this dreamer because of his bravery, relentlessness, determination, and the ignoring of his naysayers. Benjamin Franklin courted/pursued his God-inspired idea which gave us greater usage of ELECTRICITY!!!!! He was willing to die trying.

If you have a God-inspired idea or notion be willing to die trying to make it reality. Don’t give up because others can not support or understand your idea. Be willing to risk failing in lieu of succeeding. Even mothers risk their life giving birth to that which has yet to be seen. Delivery of greatness requires risks.

Always Speaking Above Mediocrity,

Latrina "SAM" Johnson

Article: Be Willing to Die Trying….
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Speaking Above Mediocrity-SAM is having an online boot camp 7 Steps to Turn Your Dream Into Reality. Register today:

Friday, March 26, 2010

Mentoring Testimonial

Speaking Above Mediocrity Mentoring Client Testimonial

Hello my name is Letecia Morgan when I first met Latrina Johnson; I was suffering from deep depression. And because of the spirit of God that dwells within her I have come leaps and bound from where I was. My husband even tells me after I’ve had my session with Latrina I come back home with such positive attitude and even a positive emotional attitude. Outside of being a life coach, she has also been a book coach in helping me write my new book. I thank God for Latrina. I thank God for the spirit that dwells within her. I hope that God will increase her territory; continue to increase her territory because I know if she has had this kind of impact on me, I know she has so much to offer to so many other women.

–Letecia Morgan

Please donate so Latrina can continue to impart greatness in other people lives! Thank You!

All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact her at 360-283-9046 or Skype call her @ Speakingabovemediocrity(I have international clients all around the world!)

Latrina "SAM" Johnson
CEO of Speaking Above Mediocrity-SAM, LLC
Author, Professional Speaker, and Life Guidance Mentor

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

He Is Beautiful....

He Is Beautiful….

He is the epitome of beauty
Carefully chiseled and sculpted to perfection
Not a flaw in his reflection
His chestnut brown eyes hold me in captivation
His masculine smile drives me wild
He is beautiful

Each and every morning he gets dressed by putting his grown man on
He’s not a lady’s man, but a man that every woman wants; no needs
He’s busy contemplating and cultivating a life of legacy
He does not have time for neutral
He’s constantly in drive
Driving to the destination of determination
Determined to be a model for young boys to follow
He is beautiful

He was born in the arms of an unwed mother
He instantly became the man of the house
Not a position he bargained for in the womb
But this is the hand fate dealt him
Torn between boyhood dreams and helping his mom making ends meet
He’s constantly hearing his name being called in the streets
He is torn between being a boy and his mom needing a man
He is beautiful

In the middle of the night he hears his mom screaming for help
He hides his head under the pillow
His mother enduring another beating
Will she arise with a black eye or another sprang wrist
He is only four years old; what is he to do
The same man that torments his mother takes him to play basketball in the morning
The man that beats his mother is his father
He is beautiful

He is the epitome of beauty
Carefully chiseled and sculpted to perfection
Not a flaw in his reflection
His chestnut brown eyes hold me in captivation
His masculine smile drives me wild
He is beautiful

Behind those chestnut brown eyes is a history filled with complications
His carefully molded body was constructed to withstand the obstructions that awaited him
He reflects not his father, but the Father
His smiles reveals through his trials; he has made it
He is beautiful

Each and every morning he gets dressed by putting his grown man on
He’s not a lady’s man, but a man that every woman wants; no needs
He’s busy contemplating and cultivating a life of legacy
He does not have time for neutral
He’s constantly in drive
Driving to the destination of determination
Determined to be a model for young boys to follow
He is beautiful

He has chosen to be his own man
Not allowing the circumstance of life to force his hand
He treats women with the utmost respect
He understands that every life has to come through the womb of a woman
He loves the thought of providing for his family
He will be the example man for his daughter to marry
His son will spend a life time trying to be the man he sees
He is beautiful

He is a responsible, caring, generous, mature, dedicated, committed, loving and man of integrity.
He is beautiful

Always Speaking Above Mediocrity,

Latrina "SAM" Johnson,CEO
Latrina is a Christian Empowerment Life Coach, Author, Professional Speaker and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity Empowerment Consulting Firm
All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact her at

Please donate so Latrina can continue to impart greatness in other people lives and coach women otherwise could not offered her services! Thank You!

Poem: He Is Beautiful
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

When It's Your Time...

When It’s Your Time….

As I’m looking out the window reflecting upon this cold spring day in Atlanta, I notice this beautiful fully bloomed Cherry Blossom Tree. I begin to ponder is the tree confused because the weather contradicts the season. Immediately it dawned on me, the circumstances surrounding the cherry blossom tree did not prevent it from blossoming, because it is its season to bloom.

How may this correlate to your life? I’m glad you asked the question. In this great economic hardship of recession, living in the era of all time high divorce rates, massive employment downsizing, and diseases running rampant; the circumstances surrounding your immediate environment will not prevent you from reaching maximum levels of success when you are in your season of blessings. YES!!! You will stand as the above mentioned cherry blossom tree. People will wonder how you are blossoming when the season you’re in contradicts the “weather”. They will believe it is impossible for you to reach the level of success that awaits you. You will be noticed. You are in your season of blooming!!!
Always Speaking Above Mediocrity,

Latrina "SAM" Johnson

Article: When It’s Your Time
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Latrina "SAM" Johnson is an International Life Transforming Professional Speaker, Author, and Life Coach. Contact Speaking Above Mediocrity, LLC to book her for your next event.

Please visit her website or send her an email request at:
Please join Speaking Above Mediocrity FaceBook Fan page:
And follow on twitter @shespeaksboldy

If you like this article, please feel free to leave a donation. Thank you!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Are We Living In Our Last Days?

Are We Living In Our Last Days?

Someone asked me, “Latrina do you think we are living in the last days?” And I responded, “What do you mean?” and they said, “Do you think the world is coming to an end?”

And here is what I have to say:

Yes, everyday we are living in the possibility of our last moment. Tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Is the world coming to an end? It will come to an end as you know it, once death knocks on your door. Although it does not necessarily take death to end the world as you know it, however eventually your existence as you've experienced it will end. I would not suggest one consume oneself with the world “ending”, but how one chooses to live their life in each and every moment.

Death is inevitable whether it is due to the world ending or one dying. Ultimately there is an end. The question at hand; are you preparing for your end. If you were to die or the world end today; have you lived out the reason for your being, made amends where necessary, loved when opportunity presented itself, and/or given life all that you have?

Yes everyday; everyone is one day closer to dying. Yes everyday; everyone is closer to the end. Yes, everyone at a point will experience the world ending.

Always Speaking Above Mediocrity,

Latrina "SAM" Johnson

Article: Are We Living in Our Last Days?
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Latrina "SAM" Johnson is an International Life Transforming Professional Speaker. Contact Speaking Above Mediocrity, LLC to book her for your next event.

Please join Speaking Above Mediocrity FaceBook Fan page:

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I am SAM

I am SAM….

In the embodiment of spiritual evolution
I cry from the stretching
I’m being torn and broken
I scream because it hurts
Why me? Why now?
The torment is excruciating
This pain is not in the physical but it’s in the mental
There’s no prescription
I love you

I want to return to my mother’s womb
Where there is only comfort and serenity
Heaven and earth has rested its idiom on my spiritual shoulders
Because of that it was determined that my being was dilapidated
And I had to be blown into millions of pieces
The sign on me reads…under construction
The bulldozer of life came crushing against my existence
Oh the progress of being rebuilt
I scream because it hurts
I love you

I lay in the invisible hospital room of recovery
My nurses are angels and my doctor is the Lord
The Doctor tells me to get plenty of rest
And the angels whisper this is just a test
In and out of consciousness I’m trying to remember my name
I am going through this proverbial change
My pain is for the love I have for you
I scream because it hurts
I love you

I could quit
But I keep seeing your face in my vision
I endure this nightmare so you can dare to dream
As I’m being reconstructed brick by brick
Each brick has at least ten names
And the Doctor tells me that each name on each brick
Is waiting and let not their wait be in vain
In and out of consciousness I’m trying to remember my name
I am going through this proverbial change
My pain is for the love I have for you
I scream because it hurts
I love you

The sign on me now reads… Open for business
I’ve passed all inspections
I have been qualified to stand as the voice of reason
I lost my identity in the reconstruction
The Doctor gave me a new name
The Doctor said that I have been built on a solid foundation
I am not the same as before
He had to do surgical removal of all that I was
And replaced it with the essential that He saw fit
In this new building my spiritual evolution would cause me to Speak Above Mediocrity
The Doctor has named me SAM.
I am SAM

For every trial, tear, disappointment and/or torment
I did not quit because
I love you



Always Speaking Above ,Mediocrity,

Latrina "SAM" Johnson,CEO
Latrina is a Christian Empowerment Coach, Author, Professional Speaker and founder of Speaking Above Mediocrity Empowerment Consulting Firm
All interested in having Latrina as your Christian Empowerment Coach you may contact her at, 360-283-9046 or Skype call her @ Speakingabovemediocrity(I have international clients all around the world!)

Please donate so I can continue to impart greatness in other people lives and coach women could not otherwise offered my services! Thank You!

Poem: I am SAM
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Greatness Comes In Small Packages Too

Greatness Comes In Small Packages Too

Oftentimes one is judge by its size and/or appearance. Some are quick to draw conclusion about another’s strengths, capabilities, or weaknesses simply based on one’s size.

One of the most amazing and beautiful creatures is that of the hummingbird. It is the smallest of all birds and the smallest animal having a backbone. The average size of a hummingbird is less than 4inches long. The first thing that most people say when witnessing a hummingbird, “Oh it is so small.”

How does the hummingbird compare to all other birds? The humming bird stands independently and confidently in its uniqueness. It doesn’t feel the need to compete or compare itself to other birds.

The humming bird can beat its wings up to 80 times per second during normal flight and 200 times per second during a courtship dive!! The humming bird is small and powerful.

Interestingly, because the humming bird can rotate their wings in a circle, they are the only birds that can fly backwards, forwards, up, down, sideways, and hover in mid air.

The humming bird teaches humans a great lesson. Love yourself exactly as God created you, because you are unique and greatness is in the inside of you too.

Always Speaking Above Mediocrity,

Latrina "SAM" Johnson

Article: Greatness Comes In Small Packages Too
By: Latrina Johnson
Copyright © Speaking Above Mediocrity 2010

Latrina "SAM" Johnson is an International Life Transforming Professional Speaker. Contact Speaking Above Mediocrity, LLC to book her for your next event.

Please join Speaking Above Mediocrity FaceBook Fan page: